NOTE: This is different than the posts we have on this blog because instead of the critics opinion this is my opinion. This time it is Spelunky.
Before I played Spelunky I looked at the credits and found out the game was only created by 5 people. Nevertheless, I thought I was bound to be impressed. Spelunky is a breath of fresh air. It is one of the most addictive games I have played in a while and one of the hardest. Spelunky is the most fun I have had with a game that it mega hard and while Rayman Origins had me cursing and wanting to throw my controller (I don't think that Rayman Origins is a bad game just a very hard one.) Spelunky has me cursing and then for some reason laughing. Laughing because I accidentally pressed B instead of X so I threw a bomb at the shopkeeper and he thought i was a terrorist so he killed me. Spelunky also has an impressive art style and gameplay mechanics and it's Deathmatch mode is some thing to really jump into. The only thing I hate about Spelunky is no online multiplayer which makes me sad because then everybody would be playing this fabulous game.
Overall I give this game a 8.5 out of 10.