Monday, January 13, 2014

Critics Consensus:Lone Survivor

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Lone Survivor a new action movie based off of an epic Navy Seal story!
Lone Survivor was one of the new more aspiring movies of 2014. It's about Marcus Lutrell's Navy Seal story in which he had to hunt down a wanted terrorist with 3 other seals. He was the Lone Survivor as the movie says. A helicopter was even sent after him with 16 people but was shot down. Now a new movie is coming out based off of his story. However it's made from the guy who directed Battleship even though it has actors such as Mark Wahlberg and Taylor Kitsch. Let's check if it butchers the story.
It doesn't thankfully but it's not a Full Metal Jacket or even a Saving Private Ryan. It's not generic and has enough to keep you going but it's a little bit shallow. The movie is gripping but some scenes are loose and confusing which might affect your viewpoint of the movie. However its still an exasperating story none the less.
Overall see this if you want to.
Lone Survivor is rated R.

One Of The Worst:The Legend Of Hercules

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a new Hercules movie that no-one cares about.
The Legend Of Hercules came out of nowhere and it wasn't generally received well. It felt like a little bit of deja-vu after Ryse:Son Of Rome and no-one thought it was going to be good in anyway. Well news flash. They were right.
Just like last year started off with a stinker with Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D this year has another. Legend Of Hercules is pale and tedious in every way possible from the script to the generic acting and even the setting. And if you don't believe me see the horrid reviews and a 4%. Yep. That's right.
Overall stay away from this one.
The Legend Of Hercules is rated R.