Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a new Resident Evil game Resident Evil 6.
Cheat Code Central called Resident Evil 6 gorgeous to look at, and Planet Xbox 360 said that "visually it was the best Resident Evil to date." Mostly negative reviews came in for RE6 (Resident Evil 6) but if a critic praised anything it was the graphics.
Quarter To Three complained about how that the new Resident Evil was trying to rip off of the Call Of Duty aspect and called it tedious, ReviewsOnTheRun complained about how most characters had the same abilities,JuexActu complained about the cover system and the list goes on and on and on. The worst thing about this game is the horrid gameplay.
Other (Plot,Audio):
Clueless Gamer complained about the sophisticated plot,Worth Playing said that it did have good writing but not good enough and lastly Gamespot with a 4.5 complained about the barrage of cutscenes.
Overall please do not get this game. Please,Please,Please.