Want to know if that new action flick is good but don't have enough time to find out? Critics Consensus gets the average Critics Consensus for that movie. We do it daily for the newest movies and video games. Just search it in. Rotten Tomatoes,Metacritic,IMBD,IGN all in one.
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Now You See Me a new heist movie!
Now You See Me looks cool,interesting and promising. And then you realize it's made by the same guy who made Clash Of The Titans and the Transformer movies. Then your expectations fall from the Empire State Building.
Now You See Me's actors have barely any screen time, as ReviewsOnTheRun stated. It might be somewhat enjoyable as ReelViews said but I would not recommend it. It was called a rare form of bad by Ben Bolea so you might want to think about that. Overall see this if you really want to. Now You See Me is rated PG-13.
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is M Night Shamalamadingdong's new movie. Why am I calling him that? You will see later in the post.
You wanna know what's funny? M Night Shyamalan's new movie looked promising. Too bad it's just Will Smith's son Jaden Smith running around from weird mutant creatures in action set pieces. I'm spoiling the movie for you because it's just that bad. That's all your seeing for two hours as Jeremy Jahns stated. It's really boring after twenty minutes. It's just a giant Vine but slightly different. If you don't trust me. Read Film.coms review. Overall After Earth is a movie about a destroyed Earth. This is one of the things that destroyed it. After Earth is rated PG-13.
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is me reviewing Fast 6.
Fast & The Furious series is unique in many ways. The funny thing is you won’t think that. Every Fast & The Furious movie is better than the last. At least that’s what people say. For some reason Fast & The Furious 6 didn't catch on with me. It’s bombastic in every way. Even the subtitles fly across the screen like a torpedo. The acting is fine, but I feel like the actors were fighting uphill the whole time with the film’s dumb script. Everybody’s personality feels like a plastic potato too. I didn't hate Fast 6 too much. In fact it can be pretty entertaining. Just try to turn your brain off. At least the action set pieces are cool. I give Fast 6 a 5.5 out of 10.