Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Personal Opinion: The Wii U

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is me reviewing the Wii U.
Score: 8\10
I like the Wii U. It's a different change of pace and shows how gaming is evolving. However with this new system I feel like Nintendo is trying way too hard. The Wii was easy peasy lemon squeezy while this is more complicated. The other knock off I have about the Wii U is that the major selling point is the Gamepad. I showed it to someone and they had not seen the Gamepad yet. They said it looked exactly the same. 
These are the games I bought for the Wii U. In order of good-bad.
Super Mario Bros U
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Nintendo Land
Tank! Tank! Tank!

Critics Consensus: Les Miserables

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the movie version of Les Miserables.
When Les Miserables was getting scores a week ago they were mildly low. Hugh Jackman even said on 60 Minutes that the film would either be a hit or a miss. Well Mr.Jackman is a 64 a hit? No. It is not a miss though.
Les Miserables is based off the hit play of the same name. Why Les Miserables is so different is that it was not mouthed by actors. It was all live.
Rolling Stone did not care about the movies imperfections and said that the writing, humor, and special effects were incredible. Mike Scott of the New Orleans Times said that Les Miserables is a good film but it is also a love it or hate it film. Lastly Chicago Tribune gave it a nasty review criticizing the choreography.
Overall only see this movie if you wanna.
Les Miserables is rated PG-13. 

Critics Consensus: Django Unchained

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino new movie.
It's odd that Quentin Tarantino's new movie comes out on Christmas Day. It is in no-what way related to the holiday season while other movies like Parental Guidance and Les Miserables are. However that does not judge the movie on a scale of 1-10.
What judges a movie like Django Unchained is the acting, writing and directing. Such critics as St.Louis Post Dispatch praised the writing and how it was dramatic and funny at the same time. For example Django shooting a person and then saying "I like the way you die". Such great acting as when Leonardo DiCaprio was interviewed about the movie by On The Red Carper saying that he hated playing the character. Though now he is getting Oscar buzz.
Overall see this movie. 
Django Unchained is rated R.