Wii Fit was necessarily a hit because of the all new Balance Board gimmick and the Wii selling like hotcakes at the time but it feels like no one really wants a new Wii Fit. It's not like Nintendo can never knock anything out of the park but Wii Party U was also a sequel and received lukewarmly so let's check it out.
A lot of people (critics and Nintendo fans alike) find it weird that Nintendo is putting resources into a Wii Fit instead of a new WiiU IP. Wii U Fit is not a bad game in any point or means and there are some enjoyable parts but overall it's more of the same as critics such as GamesRadar and MetroGameCentral have said. You also have to buy a Balance Board so it's 90 bucks. Now I know why Polygon gave it a 4.5\10.
Overall only get this if you really want to.
Wii Fit U is rated E.