Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a new Madden game.
Like Christmas a new Madden comes every year. Sometimes good sometimes bad. The good news is if you do not have Madden NFL 12 you saved money and if you have Madden NFL 11 stick with that unless you want an upgrade. Giant Bomb and ReviewsOnTheRun complained about the bugs in the new engine that never allow you to have the same tackle. GamerLimit on the other hand gave it a 9.5 For a great physics engine. So the engine is overall good but will have a few bugs along the way. Planet Xbox 360 praised the content and IGN praised the new gameplay mechanics
Overall get this game if you want to and it is worth a rent if you are on the maybe side.
Madden NFL 13 is rated E.