When EA acquired Popcap back in 2011 they also gave them a large sum of money. Instead of making another good simple mobile game they made a third person shooter? It freaked everybody out at E3 and now it's the first big Xbox One game of 2014. Let's see if this wacky idea actually works.
Apparently it does. Plants Vs Zombies:Garden Warfare has been praised as a breath of fresh air, has a 76 on Metacritic and has gotten two 10's. Rev3Games's Scott Bromely praised the mechanics,weapons, and characters but put only one negative which was that only one class has melee attacks. While this does make it slightly unfair Plants Vs Zombies:Garden Warfare is a good reason to buy Xbox One. And Titanfall too.
Overall get this game.
Plants Vs Zombies:Garden Warfare is rated E10+.