It's easy to say that last year's E3 was one of the best ever except for the no-show appearance from Nintendo. There were surprise announcements like the new Star Wars Battlefront,Mirrors Edge 2,Kingdom Hearts 3, but the biggest one of them all was Titanfall a supposed to be COD killer. Titanfall introduces you to parkour,mechs, and everything in between. However there has been lots of controversy over the 1080p and only 12 players in a match. Let's find out if Titanfall is really all it's claimed to be or just another stinker in the dust.
Wow. It looks like unsurprisingly Titanfall is the killer app for the Xbox One. It's fast paced and frantic in the best ways and reinvents the first person shooter genre. Surprisingly the Titans aren't overpowered and it's easy to get kills in between not having one of them. EGM praised it for being established in the best way and Game Informer said it was the most entertaining first person shooter in years. Wow Microsoft. You really pulled a rabbit out of the hat here.
Overall get this game. Even get an Xbox One for it.
Titanfall is rated M.