The last two Final Fantasy 13 games (Can't believe I'm saying this because it sounds so ridiculous numerically) received mixed reviews sure their were positive aspects of both like nice graphics, a cool soundtrack and some sweet gameplay elements but mostly it felt like someone was dragging the series across the Rocky Mountains in a potato sack. And every mile gives Square Enix more money. Anyway let's find out if Final Fantasy 13:Lightning Returns is the coolest conclusion to the series anyone could ask for or if it's a sad way to end just to make more sequels.
Lightning Returns sadly is more of the same. The combat system however was at least praised by Machinima,Playstation Universe, and Gaming Age for being fun and inventive something Final Fantasy games are always good at. However Lightning Returns continues something that Final Fantasy series is griped for. It's story. EGM gave it a 4.5 because of this saying that the ending and all story aspects were convoluted and atrocious. Based off of this it's no surprise the game has a 68 on Metacritic.
Overall only get this game if you want to.
Lightning Returns:Final Fantasy 13 is rated T.