Back when motion-control peripherals were the hottest thing with the all new Wii,Kinect and Playstation Move (Anyone remember that?) Usually third-party developers show the new technology with a new fighter. For the Wii it was Red Steel, for the Kinect it was Fighters:Uncaged and for the PSMove it was Fight Night:Lights Out. Well they were all crap and made by Ubisoft. (Except for the PSMove one) Not having good feelings about this one.
Fighter Within is an absolute mess of a game.The motion detection surprisingly works which should be the bright spot but the game is lackluster,AI is iffy, and the single player is a lie (virtually non-existent) This game is nowhere in the region of a price point of 60 dollars much less twenty. Fighter Within will be in the bargain bin in a few years and that's where it deserves. (Cited:GamesRadar,SpazioGames,Destructoid)
Overall do not get this game.
Fighter Within is rated T.
Fighter Within is rated T.