The Xbox One controller does not come with as many improvements as the PS4 Dualshock 4 but still comes with new start and select buttons, and all new D-pad and PS3 like triggers. The D-pad on the Xbox 360 was probably the worst thing about the whole console and while that is not the case here, the D-Pad was still called weak by VideoGamerTv. Maybe it's just not Microsoft's thing.
The Xbox One comes with an all new Kinect 2.0 that supposedly has improved and more voice commands and better tracking for movements on motion controlled games. While it's not really very easy to tell because the Kinect-centric title Kinect Sports Rivals does not come out till 2014. The voice commands are pretty solid for the most part that is.
The Xbox One has one of the strongest launch lineups in recent memory. With exclusives such as Ryse:Son Of Rome,Crimson Dragon,Forza Motorsport 5,Dead Rising 3, and Killer Instinct the Xbox One definitely has the upper hand. The main consensus for these games is
Ryse:Ok-Mediocre Best thing about game:Visuals Worst Thing About Game:Upgrade System
Crimson Dragon: Best Thing: Nostalgic of Panzer Dragoon Worst Thing:Shoddy Controls
Forza 5: Best Thing: New improved engine Worst Thing: Load times and crowd graphics
Dead Rising 3: Best Thing: No load times big open world Worst Thing:Story
Killer Instinct: Best Thing: Fluid fighting;stays true to original Worst Thing:Visuals
Should you get an Xbox One?
No. Because it's sold out everywhere the prices will be even higher than 500 dollars. Our advice wait until January if you can. No launch game is worth the package although the snapping feature is impressive.
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