Thursday, May 17, 2012

Critics Consensus: Diablo III

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Diablo III the biggest release of the month and one of the year. Since this is a giant release we are going to have a giant post.

Diablo wasn't really known for it's graphics and same here. The graphics in Diablo are those of a regular game though some of the opening cutscenes look very good and realistic. Diablo is known for gameplay not graphics and that's where we go next.
Diablo III has multiplayer and single player. So there's an impressive amount of content. The gameplay itself is fun and addicting but the game is very short. You are probably going to be playing online and that is the impressive feat of the game.
Other: (Sound,Plot,etc.)
Diablo III does not have an impressive story and the story is kinda linear. The sound sounds professional though.
Overall if you want to get Diablo III get it but it is not the giant improvement that the series could've gotten. So if you aren't looking for a giant improvement you should get this.

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