Sunday, April 27, 2014

Critics Consensus:The Other Woman

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is an all new romantic comedy with Kate Upton and Cameron Diaz! Hang on a sec. How could this possibly be good.
Kate Upton hasn't really been in a movie besides for some Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Compilation or some crap like that and it's obvious that a lot of people are only going to see this just for a snippet of Kate Uptons boobs in a bra or some crap like that. So when a movie is probably going to sell for that reason it probably doesn't have substance. And that's exactly what The Other Woman is.
Unsurprisingly, The Other Woman is going to be a boring, unpleasant film to watch for people that are looking for a good thoughtful film. In fact the only thing that saves this film is Leslie Mann as the Philadelphia Inquirer said. But if you don't care and wanna see a movie just like any other rom-com  with a bunch of your lady friends or whatever you probably will have have a good time.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
The Other Woman is rated PG-13.

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