Thursday, May 31, 2012

Criitics Consensus:Batman:Arkham City-Harley Quinn's Revenge

NOTE: This Critics Consensus post reveals spoilers for the game Batman: Arkham City. If you have not finished the game, read at your own risk.
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new DLC released for Batman:Arkham City.
Things have gotten a bit dimmer and darker in the Batman: Arkham City universe once Joker died. Well now Harley Quinn has a revenge scheme. Harley Quinn's Revenge has a 70 on Metacritic which is surprising considering that Batman: Arkham City has a 96. Official Xbox Magazine was disappointed with Harley Quinn's Revenge saying that it was a reheated dish of bland bat. Most critics said the same thing. While this is a fabulous game, it's repetitive, short, and too pricy. Though you can play as Robin. Batman: Arkham City was one of the best games of the 2011 but when DLC comes out that gets a 70 you start to wonder what happened.
Overall get this if you may but in 2 hours you'll be done with it and you will want more and realized that was not worth 10$ also.

Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge is rated T.