Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Critics Consensus: Aliens: Colonial Marines

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Aliens: Colonial Marines a new game based off the Aliens franchise by Gearbox the creators of Borderlands. Oooh.
Gearbox Software is an amazing company. However they have their faults. For instance taking on multiple projects at a time (Sambi De Amigo and Borderlands) and (Duke Nukem Forever, Borderlands-2). Well when you put a lot of focus on one game and not on the other it's kind of like school. You will get a bad grade.
50-Metacritic,40-Game Informer, 4.5-IGN,30-Eurogamer. I wish I was joking. This game is lower rated than Duke Nukem Forever. Yep I said it. The physics are horrible as SmoshGames presented in Nope Or Dope., 3DJuegos hated the repetitive gameplay, and Machinima said that it was the biggest disappointment of the year. 
Overall do not get this game. The only redeeming quality is the OK Multiplayer.
Aliens:Colonial Marines is rated M.