Thursday, March 20, 2014

Critics Consensus:Yaiba:Ninja Gaiden Z

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new zombie styled Ninja Gaiden!
It's obvious to think that Yaiba:Ninja Gaiden Z is not going to be good. The other two Ninja Gaiden games Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 have been lackluster almost to the point of piss poor and the developer of the game (Spark Unlimited) hasn't really had a good track record with busts like Lost Planet 3,Legendary, and Turning Point. Turns out all this research was pointless. You were right on the nail.
Yaiba:Ninja Gaiden Z is another Lollipop Chainsaw. The combat isn't too bad and the art style can be pretty cool sometimes but it gets repetitive. The game uses crude dialogue that gets annoying very fast, and gets super hard super fast. Of course that super hard super fast is probably a sex joke somewhere in Yaiba. Now I get why IGN,VideoGamerTV,PlayUK and Gamesradar hated this game.
Overall do not get this game.
Yaiba:Ninja Gaiden Z is rated M.