Thursday, November 29, 2012

Critics Consensus: ZombiU

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is ZombiU the new survival horror game for the Wii U.
Most launch titles coming out for the Wii U are purely unoriginal. Most are ports or sequels or ripoffs. ZombiU is something different. In ZombiU you make a character. Let's say I make a character named Quincy Higgins. Once he dies he will be in the universe of a different player trying to kill them. In fact ReviewsOnTheRun's Scott C Jones praised that of the game and said that it was addictive. However The Toronto Globe And Mail complanied that when you start your first few characters there really is not that many weapons to choose from and EGM said that it had too much unclear instructions.
Overall only get this game if you want to.