Thursday, January 30, 2014

Critics Consensus:Octodad:Dadliest Catch

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new sequel to the cult-classic indie hit Octodad!
Octodad was a huge hit back three years ago partly due to the success that the frustrating running game QWOP delivered. Now it's kind of a genre considering the popularized Surgeon Simulator game that came out 6 months ago. Now Octodad's coming back and while it doesn't have many improvements, I bet this game will make you laugh your ass off.
Octodad:Dadliest Catch is now a bombtastic game that explodes the Octodad series into new directions but at the same time it really can't be. It's pretty short but as critics as Polygon,Gamesbeat,and Digital Spy have said it doesn't overstay it's welcome and throwing crap around in a wedding is pretty dang fun.
Overall get this game.
Octodad:Dadliest Catch is rated E10+.