Saturday, October 5, 2013

One Of The Worst:Runner Runner

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Ben Affleck thriller Runner Runner.
It seems that every thriller Ben Affleck appears in is pure gold. Argo,Good Will Hunting, and The Town are perfect examples. But every actor has their weak points and it seems that Runner Runner is a strong one. 
Runner Runner currently has an 8% on RottenTomatoes and a 37 on Metacritic meaning that it is crappy beyond belief. This is probably because of all the hype we have had for Ben Affleck after the Oscar fest that Argo was. Runner Runner is the exact opposite of Argo. It has a horribly poor script and tries way to hard to be another great thriller. Hey Runner Runner producers. You might want to check out Gravity. Then work on becoming a better freakin writer.
Overall do not see this movie.
Runner Runner is rated R.

Critics Consensus:Gravity

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new critically acclaimed thriller Gravity!
Every five years there's a movie that breaks new boundaries. Whether it's the wowing special effects,the amazing edge of your seat action or something that's never been done in film before it's praised as the best thing available in theaters for a long time. Surprisingly Gravity is that and it's even better than Children Of Men.
Gravity is an emotional intense masterpiece as critics such as ReviewsOnTheRun, and Rolling Stone. It's probably the most emotionally gratifiying and suspenseful movie you might ever see in your life and its super short just savoring you on the action. Gravity brings new hope for movies in the wake of all the sequels,prequels,and reboots that have come. Gravity brings new hope to the movie industry and is spectacular in every way.
Overall see this movie now.
Gravity is rated PG-13.