Friday, November 15, 2013

Critics Consensus:XCOM:Enemy Within

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new XCOM DLC!
In 2012 one of the best games was a reboot of a franchise that actually stayed and kept the roots of the original. There's now been a new expansion DLC announced and let's see if it's any good.
XCOM:Enemy Within adds tons of new features,a new story and new missions. It works perfectly as praised by critics such as GameInformer,GameFront and InsideGamer. It looks like Firaxis is at it again and it looks like it's better than ever. Trust the critics for this one, if you have enough time before teh next-gen consoles hit you should definitely get this.
Overall get this game.
XCOM:Enemy Within is rated M.