Monday, May 27, 2013

My Personal Opinion:Monaco:What's Yours Is Mine

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is me reviewing Monaco.
To be honest, Monaco does not give very good first impressions. Maybe it’s because I’m just used to the blockbuster mainstream titles out there that overcrowd indie gems like these. I was also a little confused with Monaco too. Trust me it will take some time to get used to, but after an hour or so of playing you will get engaged in the experience. The game is playable online, alone, or with a friend or sibling. I feel like the game only shines when you are playing it with other people. One of the best things about Monaco is it’s direction. Unless you concentrate, you probably are going to fail a lot. So it promotes immersion which I found useful. One of the worst problems I had with Monaco are some of the later levels can take a half an hour to finish which I found over-the-top. Though overall Monaco, is one of the most engaging game experiences you will have in a while. I will give Monaco a 8 out of 10.

My Personal Opinion:Star Trek:Into Darkness

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is me reviewing Star Trek:Into Darkness!
2009’s Star Trek brought Star Trek back to it’s popularity thanks to J.J Abrams magic. So when a sequel was announced in 2012, I was skeptic. Thankfully, J.J Abrams has made one of the best Star Trek films to date. Into Darkness is excellent and enjoyable. The acting is great and Zachary Quinto was born to play Spock. However, the film isn't perfect. I felt that the film’s story was all over the place. Unless you are strictly paying attention the plotline will be a little bit confused.The other complaints I have about the movie is that it’s a little bit too long, and you think it’s going to end after a certain scene and then it doesn't. That particular complaint happened a few times in the movie. The best thing I can say about Star Trek:Into Darkness is that it’s everything a Star Trek fan could want. Not to mention the writing is top-notch and very funny. I will give Star Trek Into Darkness a 9.25 out of 10.