Sunday, November 10, 2013

Critics Consensus:All Is Lost

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Life Of Pi esque survival film All Is Lost!
For some reason a lot of survival films have come out in the past few years. Now this isn't really a popular subgenre but thanks to movies like Life Of Pi,Captain Philips,Gravity, and Moon it's becoming more and more popular. Let's hope the new All Is Lost does not butcher that.
Somehow it doesn't. Either survival movies are extremely easy to make (which I doubt) or that every survival movie is glazed with great performances,amazing visuals and CGI,and emphasis on the theme of morality itself. Now all this is pretty deep and All is Lost does an amazing job of explaining that. If you don't believe me check out reviews all across the board with perfect scores from Tampa Bay Times,Boston Globe, and Washington Post. All Is Lost is truly a film to be seen.
Overall see this movie now and probably see it instead of Thor.
All is Lost is rated PG-13.

Critics Consensus:Thor:The Dark World

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Thor!
The past few Marvel movies have been great. Iron Man 3,Captain America, and especially the Avengers. However Thor is the one movie that was just "meh". Well now Thor The Dark World has come out and let's see how it is!
Thor:The Dark World is about the same quality and maybe even less than the first one. The action scenes are breathtaking and beautiful as The Atlantic said. However most critics who gave the movie a bad score said the plot was too convoluted and confusing and not good for the average Marvel new-comer. It's not just Earth being destroyed too, it's all six realms and it makes sense why some critics don't like this movie. Thor -is a disappointment not to a Marvel comic-book fan but for a regular person.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Thor:The Dark World is rated R.