Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One Of the Worst:Fighter Within

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Ubisoft Kinect fighter Fighter Within!!
Back when motion-control peripherals were the hottest thing with the all new Wii,Kinect and Playstation Move (Anyone remember that?) Usually third-party developers show the new technology with a new fighter. For the Wii it was Red Steel, for the Kinect it was Fighters:Uncaged and for the PSMove it was Fight Night:Lights Out. Well they were all crap and made by Ubisoft. (Except for the PSMove one) Not having good feelings about this one.
Fighter Within is an absolute mess of a game.The motion detection surprisingly works which should be the bright spot but the game is lackluster,AI is iffy, and the single player is a lie (virtually non-existent) This game is nowhere in the region of a price point of 60 dollars much less twenty. Fighter Within will be in the bargain bin in a few years and that's where it deserves. (Cited:GamesRadar,SpazioGames,Destructoid)
Overall do not get this game.
Fighter Within is rated T.