Thursday, February 14, 2013

Critics Consensus:Beautiful Creatures

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a Beautiful Creatures a new movie based off the hit book.
I have some friends who have read the book Beautiful Creatures. When they heard it was gonna be a movie they were wild with excitement. However when the trailer came out their expectations dropped like a pencil in chili. Luckily Beautiful Creatures is not horrible. It's actually the best movie of this week. But that's like saying that this turd doesn't smell as bad as the other one. (A Good Day To Die Hard you're a turd)
It's nicely cast as The Hollywood Reporter reported but the film itself is unentertaining and too long as critics such as Rolling Stone,,New York Magazine and Christian Science Monitor said. So if you want to see this movie here's some good news. It's not as bad as Twilight.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Beautiful Creatures is rated PG-13.

Critics Consensus: A Good Day To Die Hard

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a new Die Hard movie.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Is the sound that fans said when the director for the last Die Hard movie was announced. It was also a PG-13 movie in which you can't say motherf*cker which you need to say in a Die Hard movie. Fans were ready to be disappointed. A Good Day To Die Hard's director was announced a year ago and fans had an even longer NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why? This director (John Moore) directed Max Payne. That is known as one of the worst films of all time. 
Sadly, A Good Day To Die Hard will be known as one of the most disappointing sequels of all time. I do not even want to explain how Badass Digest said that it sucked or that ReviewsOnTheRun's Ben Bolea said that the film was repetitive and made by stupid people for stupid people. Or that Village Voice said The movie is constructed like a window some kid broke and then tried to glue back together. I do not have words to explain my hatred for John Moore. Thanks for ruining a franchise.
Overall do not see this movie.
A Good Day To Die Hard (Sniff) is rated R.