Thursday, August 15, 2013

One Of The Worst:Jobs

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new biopic about Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher that no one really gives a hoot about.
When Steve Jobs died there was massive backlash after a movie was going to be made about him. Then there was even more backlash when it was going to star Ashton Kutcher who was recognized at the time as the bland actor in Two And  A Half Men. Well Jobs has finally come out so let's see it it deserved that backlash.
Sadly Jobs is a critical and might be a commercial failure. The film tries to hard as The Chicago Tribune stated and the performance from Ashton Kutcher is misplaced and awkward. Even Slant thought it was so bad that they gave it a 0\10.
Overall do not see this movie. For the love of god don't.
Jobs is rated PG-13.

Critics Consensus:Kick-Ass 2

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the sequel to Kick Ass!
Kick-Ass was a hit when it came out in 2010 partly due to it's over-the-top story telling and balls to the wall action. So as Hollywood goes if anything makes a decent amount of money it's thrown into sequel territory. But does Kick Ass 2 punt scores into the stratosphere? (Thats some good writing right there lol)
Not so much. Kick-Ass 2 is not a horrific movie as many expected and theres a decent amount of effort put into it but it still holds a 32 on RottenTomatoes and a 47 on Metacritic due to it's repetitive dialogue in which every sentence holds the word f**k,boobs or sh*t. (Citied:Chicago Reader.) Kick Ass 2 is just more of the same and sometimes that does not work out.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Kick-Ass 2 is rated R.

Critics Consensus:Ducktales Remastered

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Ducktales HD remake!
When you think of nostalgia you usually think as a gamer Ducktales. Ducktales is one of the most recognized platformers in gaming history and Capcom surprised us all at this years PAX that Ducktales would be available for your Xbox 360,Playstation 3, and WiiU in less than a year. But does the port bode well or should it not be put on your bill. 
Interestingly enough Ducktales is getting very mixed reviews. And that's simply because Ducktales has not aged well as PCGamer said. The difficulty can be through the roof and the repitition can be simply obnoxious. However the remastered graphics and new additions save the game from epitome. Machinima even gave this a 90!
Overall only get this game if you want to.
Ducktales Remastered is rated E10+.