Thursday, May 15, 2014

Critics Consensus:Borderlands 2 (PSVita)

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Vita port of Borderlands 2!!
Borderlands 2 is back in black. Ok maybe that wasn't the best intro but you get the jist. Borderlands 2 is coming to Vita. That's kind of weird considering the Vita is considered a dead console by many gamers and 2K will support the Vita but not the WiiU must mean something. Let's see what.
According to critics the Vita port of Borderlands 2 isn't all we claimed for. Maybe its because its made by a different company or the choppy frame rate but even critics such as GamesRadar,IGN,and The Escapist gave this one the thumbs down. Sometimes a game just doesn't fit a certain platform and sadly it appears this is the case with Borderlands 2.
Overall do not get this game.
Borderlands 2 is rated M.