Sunday, January 19, 2014

Critics Consensus:Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the return of Tom Clancy films!
Even though Tom Clancy has passed away (R.I.P) countless movies and games will be made in his honor. We haven't had a Tom Clancy movie in a while and hopefully this marks the triumphant return after his sadly passing let's find out. Also its got Chris Pine.
Thankfully Shadow Recruit isn't one of the more crappy movies that comes out this month although it's not amazing in any particular regard. It's suspenseful and engaging but a tad bit over the top for it too stumble a little. It doesn't but that doesn't mean it's exactly a critical darling with a 61%.
Overall see this movie if you want to.
Jack Ryan:Shadow Recruit is rated PG-13. 

Critics Consensus:Devil's Due

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Devil's Due!
You may have heard of Devil's Due after the insanely viral video that triggered 20 million+ views in a couple of days of a viral animatronic demon baby in New York City. That video was actually for the movie Devil's Due and you mine as well think that with a great advertising campaign like that the movie would be pretty rock solid. Not so much.
It's only gotten one positive review (from The Playlist) who gave it an underwhelmingly low score with a 67. They stated that there were a lot of things that ruined the scares such as crappy character development. It's also got a nobody cast and The Guardian called it an Exorcist on Snapchat. Ow that hurts.
Overall do not see this movie.
Devil's Due is rated R.