Sunday, September 8, 2013

Critics Consensus:Riddick

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Riddick reboot!
Vin Diesel is now a powerhouse because of the Fast & The Furious franchise but before that he was known for such movies as Riddick and Saving Private Ryan. Now as Universal is rebooting Riddick let's see if it is maybe better than the original. (The original does not hold up that well)
Unfortunately not. While Riddick is not a horrible movie it is certainly not one to reinvigorate the franchise. Well Vin Diesel is still a badass as The Guardian stated the film's writing can get a little bit dry and bland with cheap special effects as Las Vegas Weekly said. Riddick is a meh movie. 
So overall only see this if you really want to.
Riddick is rated R.