Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Critics Consensus:MLB 13: The Show

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is a new MLB The Show game!
Last year you had a decision between MLB2K and MLB:The Show and then 2K killed the franchise due to poor sales. Like not you had much of a decision because MLB The Show is the best one always. Why well and 85 on Metacritic explains a lot.
Hardcore Gamer Magazine praised SCEA's numerous improvements to the game and not taking things out but instead making it better. I'm talking about you Madden. IGN said that this was the best MLB:The Show. You probably have no money from each amazing game coming out but I think you can make a loan....
Overall get this game.
MLB 13:The Show is rated E.

Critics Consensus:Tomb Raider

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Tomb Raider the reboot of the amazing franchise Tomb Raider.
If there's one thing about Crystal Dynamics is that they never quit. When their company was first created they made a racing game called Crash N Burn. This game sold horribly but what companies like Ninja Theory have shown us is that you have to start somewhere. 
ImpulseGamer gave it a 10\10 saying that it had next-generation graphics and gameplay,Digital Spy said that the characters were amazing and the character development was great,and the Smosh Games show Dope Or Nope praised the voice acting. In fact Im gonna go into more detail. Tomb Raider is amazing right from the start. The deaths will make you feel like you did something wrong and make you feel for Lara like you have never have before. In fact Tomb Raider has gotten so much critical acclaim that it will probably be nominated for a Game Of The Year award. That's right. Game Of The Year.
Overall you have to get this game. If you walk over to the store and they are closed run to the other store that sells this enthralling adventure. You will not regret it.
Tomb Raider is rated M.