Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Critics Consensus:God Of War Collection

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Playstation Vita version of God Of War!!! Well not really...
We know. The Vita is in desperate case of some good games that aren't Crossbuy\Remote Play titles or JRPGS. So when we first heard how Sony is going to reboot the Vita using games that we have already played and probably won't translate well to the portable experience, we were surprised. But hey a Vita game is actually out so we might aswell see if it's worth your time based on of course, The Critics Consensus!!!
Critics say that God Of War Collection is actually meant for the Playstation Vita instead of being a relentless cashgrab (cited:Hardcore Gamer Magazine). However some critics complained about the 30 dollar asking price as you can get the games cheaper at a thrift store or the Playstation classics selection. Another complaint is that players don't really need to experience the games again but hey when a Vita game has a 79 and there's really nothing else out there, you might aswell buy it.
Overall get this game if you want to.
God Of War Collection is rated M.