Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One Of the Worst:Fighter Within

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Ubisoft Kinect fighter Fighter Within!!
Back when motion-control peripherals were the hottest thing with the all new Wii,Kinect and Playstation Move (Anyone remember that?) Usually third-party developers show the new technology with a new fighter. For the Wii it was Red Steel, for the Kinect it was Fighters:Uncaged and for the PSMove it was Fight Night:Lights Out. Well they were all crap and made by Ubisoft. (Except for the PSMove one) Not having good feelings about this one.
Fighter Within is an absolute mess of a game.The motion detection surprisingly works which should be the bright spot but the game is lackluster,AI is iffy, and the single player is a lie (virtually non-existent) This game is nowhere in the region of a price point of 60 dollars much less twenty. Fighter Within will be in the bargain bin in a few years and that's where it deserves. (Cited:GamesRadar,SpazioGames,Destructoid)
Overall do not get this game.
Fighter Within is rated T.

Monday, November 25, 2013

One Of The Worst:X-Rebirth

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new long awaited entry in the X space simulation series, X Rebirth!
Before Deep Silver acquired Dead Island,Metro and Saints Row it was a relatively small publisher with one big hit to claim to it's name. The X series. The X series was a series of space simulation games that were super entertaining. Sadly there hasn't been a new entry in the franchise in a while and it's been two years after X Rebirth has been announced and is finally able for purchase. If it's not worth the wait and it certainly isn't from the title this is looking to be another Ride To Hell.
Apparently discontinuing a series for an indefinite time and then jumping back to it does not seem to go in Deep Silver's favor. Ride To Hell was a unfinished ungodly mess and we wouldn't be suprised if Deep Silver's got more crap to come after this. X Rebirth is broken,buggy, and not fun to play. Compromised with a series of odd design issues and choices as well with a shoddy navigation system.
Overall stay away from this one. (Cited:GameFront,Quarter To Three,PC Games Germany)
X-Rebirth is rated T.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Critics Consensus:Tearaway

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Media Molecule masterpiece Tearaway!
Sadly Medial Molecule's new game (creators of LittleBigPlanet) was pushed to November 22nd. Now it doesn't really seem like a bad release date for a game except for that it comes out when the Xbox One comes out along with three brand new Nintendo titles. I'm really sorry little Tearaway.
Tearaway is a great game. I really don't think I should explain more and I have a feeling it will become an underrated game due to this day. Tearaway has gorgeous visuals,fun to play and just makes you in  a happy feeling whenever you boot it up. Media Molecule's newest game is a masterpiece and do us and Sony a favor and buy it now.
Overall get this game.
Tearaway is rated E.

Critics Consensus:Super Mario 3D World

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Mario!
A lot of gamers might call it Microsoft's week due to the all new Xbox One but it seems like Nintendo might beat them out with their new Mario Party:Island Tour,Super Mario 3D World, and Legend Of Zelda:Link Between Worlds. I am not kidding. This is Nintendo's strongest week in nearly a decade. But without further ado let's get into it.
While not as amazing as the classic Super Mario 64 was this new Super Mario 3D World is a damn good try at it. It's gotten countless perfect scores and been called the greatest next gen game of  this year by Edge. It's colorful,amusing and downright fun as hell. This game alone justifies a WiiU. (Cited:Edge,Giant Bomb,Game Reactor Sweden)
Super Mario 3D World is rated E.

Critics Consensus:The Legend Of Zelda:A Link Between Worlds

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Legend Of Zelda!
While all the recent Zelda games(Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess,Skyward Sword) have been amazing and a great experience to spend sixty dollars there has not been one in a while that brings the nostalgia back. Well it looks like Nintendo is listening to our requests as this new Zelda is supposed to stay true to it's SNES roots. Let's see if the magic really does live up.
Some that say Nintendo should create new franchises can be wrong because it seems like they are killing it with their latest entries in Mario,Zelda and Pikmin. The Legend Of Zelda:A Link Between Worlds currently has a 90 on Metacritic meaning universal acclaim. It's been praised from every critic you know such as Gaming Age who called it the best Zelda since Ocarina Of Time not only due to it's nostalgia factor but due to it's new features,great dungeon design and simple but beautiful graphics.
Overall get this game. Yep you are gonna be spending a lot this weekend.
The Legend Of Zelda:A Link Between Worlds is rated E10+.

Critics Consensus Special:The Xbox One

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new all in one Xbox One!
The Xbox One controller does not come with as many improvements as the PS4 Dualshock 4 but still comes with new start and select buttons, and all new D-pad and PS3 like triggers. The D-pad on the Xbox 360 was probably the worst thing about the whole console and while that is not the case here, the D-Pad was still called weak by VideoGamerTv. Maybe it's just not Microsoft's thing.
The Xbox One comes with an all new Kinect 2.0 that supposedly has improved and more voice commands and better tracking for movements on motion controlled games. While it's not really very easy to tell because the Kinect-centric title Kinect Sports Rivals does not come out till 2014. The voice commands are pretty solid for the most part that is.
The Xbox One has one of the strongest launch lineups in recent memory. With exclusives such as Ryse:Son Of Rome,Crimson Dragon,Forza Motorsport 5,Dead Rising 3, and Killer Instinct the Xbox One definitely has the upper hand. The main consensus for these games is
Ryse:Ok-Mediocre Best thing about game:Visuals Worst Thing About Game:Upgrade System
Crimson Dragon: Best Thing: Nostalgic of Panzer Dragoon Worst Thing:Shoddy  Controls
Forza 5: Best Thing: New improved  engine Worst Thing: Load times and crowd graphics
Dead Rising 3: Best Thing: No load times big open world Worst Thing:Story
Killer Instinct: Best Thing: Fluid fighting;stays true to original Worst Thing:Visuals
Should you get an Xbox One?
No. Because it's sold out everywhere the prices will be even higher than 500 dollars. Our advice wait until January if you can. No launch game is worth the package although the snapping feature is impressive.

Critics Consensus:The Hunger Games:Catching Fire

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Hunger Games!
While the first Hunger Games movie was not a disappointment in any particular direction it was not a spectacular film by any means. Now a new director was attached on this one, one who makes Brittney Spears music videos and directed I Am Legend. And it has a higher score than the first one? Let's find what all the hype is about.
It's true that the first Hunger Games was highly overrated as most critics called it a satisfying popcorn muncher but it seems that this one has a little bit more if not a lot depth. Tampa Bay Times gave it a 9\10 and said it was crafted with intelligence. Even The Playlist called it a monumental achievement that was worth the hype. The only bad thing is a pretty crappy cliffhanger at the end as said by Time Out New York but you cant have all of the cake.
Overall see this movie.
The Hunger Games:Catching Fire is rated PG-13.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Critics Consensus Special:PS4

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Playstation 4! (The reason this was not covered this weekend is that not all reviews have come in since it was only released in the US)

The Playstation 4 might not be the next gen you were hoping for in your dreams back in 2006 but it's a step in the right direction and a technological overhaul from the last system. The PS4 comes with plenty of apps, a 60 dollar a year online service that gives you three games a month and a controller. Separate play options that enhance the experience are the Playstation Camera which is 60 dollars and allows you to use facial recognition as signing in and Kinect like features for games. The Playstation Camera also comes with a free game "The Playroom" but this game can get boring in less than an hour and is only used to showcase the AR capabilities of this machine. Unfortunately there has been some defective units with a blue light of death however there has only been 4000 reported. (Sources:CNET,CNN,IGN,Polygon)
The launch titles for the Playstation 4 are Killzone:Shadow Fall,Resogun and Knack. The other launch titles available are Angry Birds Star Wars,Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag,Battlefield 4,Blacklight Retribution,Call Of Duty:Ghosts,FIFA 14, Injustice,Just Dance 2014,Lego Marvel,Madden,NBA 2K14,NBA Live 14,Need For Speed:Rivals and Skylanders. All of these titles are available on Xbox one on launch day too except for Blacklight. The general consensus on Knack,Killzone and Resogun is that they are great games but just appetizers for the wonderful experiences on PS4 soon to come like The Order:1886, Infamous:Second Son and Drive Club.
Should you get a Playstation 4? Yes. Should you get it now? No. You should probably get it this Christmas or even January when a bunch of new titles are out.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Critics Consensus:XCOM:Enemy Within

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new XCOM DLC!
In 2012 one of the best games was a reboot of a franchise that actually stayed and kept the roots of the original. There's now been a new expansion DLC announced and let's see if it's any good.
XCOM:Enemy Within adds tons of new features,a new story and new missions. It works perfectly as praised by critics such as GameInformer,GameFront and InsideGamer. It looks like Firaxis is at it again and it looks like it's better than ever. Trust the critics for this one, if you have enough time before teh next-gen consoles hit you should definitely get this.
Overall get this game.
XCOM:Enemy Within is rated M.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Critics Consensus:Bioshock Infinite:Burial At Sea:Episode One

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the first piece of the long-awaited Bioshock Infinite DLC!!
After the amazing hit that was Bioshock Infinite Irrational Games has struggled to find it's footing. No DLC for the fifteen dollar Season Pass came out until July and during that time it was only a horde mode. Now the long awaited first part of Bioshock Infinite DLC has come out and it's definitely a spectacle. A short one though.
Call critics mean and over-sensitive but Bioshock Infinite:Burial At Sea has not been getting good reviews mainly due to it being two hours or less. Now that's pretty short for a fifteen dollar piece of DLC and while it has gotten positive reception for making a pleasant return to Rapture from critics like Rev3Games and GameInformer, it's a pricey one at best and you will be wanting more.
Overall only get this game if you really want to relive Bioshock again.
Bioshock Infinite:Burial At Sea:Episode One is rated M.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Critics Consensus:All Is Lost

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Life Of Pi esque survival film All Is Lost!
For some reason a lot of survival films have come out in the past few years. Now this isn't really a popular subgenre but thanks to movies like Life Of Pi,Captain Philips,Gravity, and Moon it's becoming more and more popular. Let's hope the new All Is Lost does not butcher that.
Somehow it doesn't. Either survival movies are extremely easy to make (which I doubt) or that every survival movie is glazed with great performances,amazing visuals and CGI,and emphasis on the theme of morality itself. Now all this is pretty deep and All is Lost does an amazing job of explaining that. If you don't believe me check out reviews all across the board with perfect scores from Tampa Bay Times,Boston Globe, and Washington Post. All Is Lost is truly a film to be seen.
Overall see this movie now and probably see it instead of Thor.
All is Lost is rated PG-13.

Critics Consensus:Thor:The Dark World

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Thor!
The past few Marvel movies have been great. Iron Man 3,Captain America, and especially the Avengers. However Thor is the one movie that was just "meh". Well now Thor The Dark World has come out and let's see how it is!
Thor:The Dark World is about the same quality and maybe even less than the first one. The action scenes are breathtaking and beautiful as The Atlantic said. However most critics who gave the movie a bad score said the plot was too convoluted and confusing and not good for the average Marvel new-comer. It's not just Earth being destroyed too, it's all six realms and it makes sense why some critics don't like this movie. Thor -is a disappointment not to a Marvel comic-book fan but for a regular person.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Thor:The Dark World is rated R.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Critics Consensus:Wii Party U

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Wii Party!
For many families Wii Party,Wii Fit and Wii Music was the thing that got the Wii going for them and became the go to game because of it's fun, creative and quirky minigames. Wii Party was'nt really much to begin with but now Nintendo wants to make another one for the WiiU. We all know how Game & Wario went and it's blatantly obvious that Wii Party U is just 
meh. Yes that's right and I don't think I really offended anyone. Even critics agree with me. Some more than others like how Shacknews gave it a 3\10 while Lazygamer gave it a 65. It's because that Wii Party U is uninspired and boring compared to hit classics, it's formed over quantity vs quality and how there is only a few good minigames.
Overall do not get this game unless you really want to.
Wii Party U is rated E.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Critics Consensus:Call Of Duty:Ghosts

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Call Of Duty!
Call Of Duty Ghosts is not supposed to be an invigoration into the franchise due to Call Of Duty being the biggest friggin video game franchise in the world. However it's trying not to be a fresh skin of paint due to it starting a new miniseries. The Call Of Duty games have always been known for being ambitious. Let's see how this one is shall we?
Unlike Black Ops 2 which excelled in minor details Call Of Duty Ghosts tries to make many new modes,features,loadouts,accessories,and more. According to critics this new Call Of Duty's main complaint is how these new features actually do not affect the overall game. Besides the extinction mode which is a stinker (Cited:Rev3Games) Most of these things do little to affect the overall experience. It's probably why it got a 5\10 from Destructoid and a 74 on Metacritic. It's not a bad game and not certainly a horrific failure it's just the weakest entry in the Cod franchise due to it's weaknesses. Which are certainly strong in that regard. But if you are a regular COD fanboy this will probably do little to affect the hours you will have with this game.
Overall if you want to get this game really bad just get it now but if you want it a little bit wait for Black Friday.
Call Of Duty:Ghosts is rated M.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Critics Consensus:Last Vegas

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new reunion style movie with Morgan Freeman,Robert De Niro, and Michael Douglas. 
For some this year has been filled with actors coming back from their classic 80's roles such as The Last Stand,Escape Plan, Bullet To The Head and now Last Vegas. None of these movies have been very good but will Last Vegas strive? Let's find out.
Unfortunately no. Last Vegas has a lot of charisma from all the actors performing in it and it definitely looks like they had a lot of fun it's just that it's not a very good movie inside. The jokes aren't very funny, only typically please to the old crowd (which probably are not gonna see this movie anyway) and feels very contrived of The Hangover as Metro Times, and Reeling Reviews said.
Overall do not see this movie unless you are either old or really want to.
Last Vegas is rated PG-13.

Critics Consensus:Ender's Game

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Enders Game movie!
In 1985 author Orson Scott Card published Enders Game. The book was an amazing hit and spawned many sequels. Unfortunately a movie was never made due to problems with licensing and rights. Somehow it's now finally out. But is it the amazing movie we've been waiting for? Let's find out!
Sadly Enders Game is not the astonishing spectacle we've been hoping for with a 62% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 51 on Metacritic. It's more of a CGI spectacle with breathtaking set pieces but as critics have said it's not anything special. The writing falls flat in many ways and actors are poorly miscast with the exception of Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield as Time Out London and The Guardian have said. This is not the thriller you were hoping for. It's more of a popcorn muncher. But i'm sure if you turn your brain off you'll be fine.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Enders Game is rated PG-13.