Sunday, October 20, 2013

One Of The Worst:The Fifth Estate

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new movie about Wikileaks starring Benedict Cumberbatch!
The Fifth Estate is a movie directed by the same person who directed Dreamgirls and all the Twilight movies. While that's one hell of a portfolio The Fifth Estate is not one hell of a movie. It is a hellish hectic movie and here is exactly why.
The Fifth Estate is poorly written and poorly directed. Cumberbatch seems to be placed in the wrong role for this much like Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) and the movie is not entertaining at all. A random sex scene might pop in every once in a while and it's all stringed together very poorly. All in all The Fifth Estate is not a good movie.
(Cited:ReviewsonTheRun,Reeling Reviews,Tampa Bay Times)
Overall do not see this movie.
The Fifth Estate is rated R.

Critics Consensus:Escape Plan

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Escape Plan starring Slyvester and Schwarzenegger!
Stallone and Schwarzenegger were supposed to make their triumphant returns this year with Bullet To The Head and The Last Stand and then end it off together with Escape Plan. Unfortunately The Last Stand bombed extraordinarily aswell with Bullet To The Head. We'll see with Escape Plan.
Overall Escape Plan is a meh movie as well with every movie that came out this week. It's trying to relive it's 80's magic but things have changed a lot and it just is not there. The plot is not what saves the movie either and nothing really else does. But if you have not seen Schwarzenegger in a while stay for a matinee. It will be somewhat worth it.
(Cited:CinemaLog,BadassDigest,The Playlist)
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Escape Plan is rated R.

Critics Consensus:Carrie

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new Carrie remake!
Stephen King is probably most known for his book Carrie which was actually made into a movie in the 80's. Well that movie has grown some mold and now a new Carrie is out. Let's check if it's any good.
Carrie boasts some intelligent and well deserving actors as said it isn't exactly pure gold. The actors are placed in awkward roles and the movie spends half of it's time trying to figure out what to do instead of actually trying it. Carrie is not a mess it just could be better and is overall a disappointment.
Overall only see this movie if you want to.
Carrie is rated R.

(One Of The) Worst:Day One:Garry's Incident

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is possibly the worst game of the last decade. What a great way to start things off.

Normally I don't cover that many indie games unless they are total gems like Fez or an absolute stinker like Takedown:Red Sabre. But Day One:Garry's Incident is a special kind of game. A game nearly as bad as Ride To Hell:Retribution and possibly even worse. If you have ever heard of Daikatana Day One is pretty much that except with a few better textures. 
The reason I covered this game is that it's not absolute trash and you should not play it it's that youtube TotalBiscuit's video was removed because he said that the game was atrocious in every standard. He made a deal for a review code with the developers and they said it was fine to publicize the game. They must have been coding blind because it's horrible and it's buggy,buggy and buggy. I might get suspended for false copyright but before that happens just laugh at this game but the developers are total assholes. This really shouldn't happen.
Overall just no
Day One:Garry's Incident is rated R.