Monday, October 8, 2012

My Personal Opinion: Frankenweenie

NOTE: This is different than the posts we have on this blog because instead of the critics opinion this is my opinion. This time it is Frankenweenie.
It is hard to watch Frankenweenie for the first time without being reminded of Para-Norman and vice versa. Para-Norman is better than Frankenweenie but nevertheless Frankenweenie is still a good movie for multiple reasons. However, it still has it's problems. For example Frankenweenie has little attention to detail sometimes and the start of the movie is a bit predicable. It still has good animation,writing and voice acting but I feel like once the suspense starts in this movie it immediately ends so that is why I am giving Frankenweenie a 7.0 out of 10.

Frankenweenie is rated PG.