Saturday, February 2, 2013

Critics Consensus: Stand Up Guys

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Stand Up Guys with Christopher Walken,Al Pacino, and Alan Arkin.
It's funny that so many reboots have been coming out in the past few months. Here's a Stand Up Guys, here's a Bullet To The Head and Here's a The Last Stand. Unlike those other movies The Last Stand is a reboot of four people. Wow.
The bad news about this movie is that it is a bad movie which was pretty much expected. The good news is that it might be a good time on Late night cable. But to be honest you should do better things in your life than watch this movie as ReviewsOnTheRun,Kaplan Vs. Kaplan and am NewYork explained.
Overall do not see this movie. 
Stand Up Guys is rated R.

Critics Consensus: Bullet To The Head

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Bullet To The Head Sylvester Stallone's new movie.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's comeback failed miserably at the box office with a 9# at the box office and then dropped to 16#. Schwarznegger has had more box office successes than Stallone but since his last movie who knows? Maybe things might switch around.
Bullet To The Head is a bad movie. The good thing is unlike The Last Stand is that it is a bad movie, but it's a good time. For example Jeremy Jahns said that it brought back his love for Stallone even though it has a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's just a matinee a movie or  a movie you see while you are either drunk or lastly movie hopping.
Overall only see Bullet To The Head if you want to.
Bullet To The Head is rated R.

Critics Consensus: Warm Bodies

Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Warm Bodies the new movie based off the hit book.
Some people have been excited for Warm Bodies and some people have been really skeptical. It's probably because the plot of this movie is kind of like Shaun Of The Dead mixed with Twilight. The good thing is that it has one thing going for it that Twilight does not. Humor.
Warm Bodies was only made with a small budget and does not have that many big name actors which is really surprising since it is based off a book. However many critics liked that aspect of that saying that it makes the movie different from all the other adaptations as Elliot Morgan from The New Movie Thing Show said. However there are still skeptical people. (San Francisco Chronicle) who stated that the first 15 minutes were better then the 85 rest.
Overall only see this movie if you want to and if you're girlfriend is bringing you, go. It's  not as bad as it seems.
Warm Bodies is rated PG-13.