Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Critics Consensus:Wii Fit U

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the all new Wii Fit U!
Wii Fit was necessarily a hit because of the all new Balance Board gimmick and the Wii selling like hotcakes at the time but it feels like no one really wants a new Wii Fit. It's not like Nintendo can never knock anything out of the park but Wii Party U was also a sequel and received lukewarmly so let's check it out.
A lot of people (critics and Nintendo fans alike) find it weird that Nintendo is putting resources into a Wii Fit instead of a new WiiU IP. Wii U Fit is not a bad game in any point or means and there are some enjoyable parts but overall it's more of the same as critics such as GamesRadar and MetroGameCentral have said. You also have to buy a Balance Board so it's 90 bucks. Now I know why Polygon gave it a 4.5\10.
Overall only get this if you really want to.
Wii Fit U is rated E.

Critics Consensus:Don't Starve Console Edition

Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the Tim Burton esque Minecraft like game Don't Starve and now it's on the PS4!
Don't Starve was a fun little quirky inventive Minecraft clone that garnered decent attention back in April. Many praised it for being a fun hard but innovative roguelike with more and more features to keep you going. When those quotes were said the game was still in Alpha. Now it's finally done and available on the PS4 but let's see if it will collapse like Takedown:Red Sabre was and is pushed out the door.
Thankfully not. While the PS4 version of Don't Starve doesn't add that many new features it does have fitting controls and it's also free. Such critics as Vandal Online and IGN have praised the tone the game sets and how the game throws things up the notch in a matter of seconds expecting you to catch up they also downsized the game saying it could be more rewarding as there really is no sense of accomplishment.
Overall pick this one up. It's not the killer app for the PS4 and you shouldn't get one just for this but it's a nice addition to an impressive library.
Don't Starve is rated E10+.