Sunday, October 13, 2013

Critics Consensus:Beyond:Two Souls

NOTE:I was on vacation. Sorry for no posts :(
Hi! We are Critics Consensus.  We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is the new game from the creators of Heavy Rain!
When Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain came out of nowhere critics ate it up. Yes it had a lot of plot holes and yes sometimes it was overly dramatic but it was clearly a step in the right direction. But the question remains can Quantic Dream do their same formula this time with special likenesses like Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe? Let's find out.
It's really weird but Beyond:Two Souls might be the most mixed received game of 2013. One critic (Digital Spy) gave it a 100 while AusGamers game it a 25 basically calling it butt cancer. This has probably happened because critics have gotten tired of Quantic Dream's interactive drama formula that they use for every one of their games but if you can get past that Beyond:Two Souls is probably one of the best movies of 2013. But as a game it falls a little bit flat.
Overall if you liked Heavy Rain get this. If you havent played Heavy Rain rent this. The games only like 15 hours of gameplay.
Beyond:Two Souls is rated M.

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